Intense Pulsed Light Photofacial

Out brown spot!  Redness be gone!

Intense Pulsed Light treatments diminish brown spots and redness.  Also known as photorejuvenation or photofacials, IPL evens skin tone.  Restoring a healthy glow to the skin, IPL can turn back the effects of time and sun exposure. 

How does IPL work?

A broad band of light is applied to the skin with a handpiece and delivered through gentle pulses.  The light is absorbed by the skin, diminishing the redness and reducing the appearance of brown spots, which flake off after treatment.  Three to six treatments usually produce results, which are visible within one week.  Results can last six to twelve months with diligent sun protection and sunscreen use. 

How can IPL help me?

Whether it’s the pigment changes of aging and sun exposed skin, the redness of rosacea, or broken capillaries that appear with sun exposure and time that bother you, IPL can brighten skin and even out skin tone on your face, neck, chest, and hands.

Sunspots, Brown spots, Age spots are flat brown spots that appear on skin exposed to years of sun.  When sun exposure has led to these brown spots, IPL can help your skin start anew.  Sun protection with sunscreen is a vital part of ongoing skin care and maintenance IPL treatments can keep the skin looking young in the years ahead.

Redness of the face and broken capillaries that appear with sun exposure and over time can be diminished with IPL treatments. 

Ongoing maintenance with IPL treatments can be combined with a customized skin care regimen with medical grade products based on sound science to help keep your youthful skin glowing. 

Hours of Operation

Monday, Thursday:

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:30 pm


9:00 am - 3:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Our Location